The average diesel-driven van engine ticking over uses about 1 litre fuel/hour. Over a year, an engine running 3 hours/day for 200 working days will consume 600L fuel and emit 1.5 tons of CO2, not to mention the noxious exhaust fumes and associated noise pollution.
We have developed a solution that saves all the pollution whilst working on a task. E-Drive is our self-charging hybrid electric system.
Admittedly, you still have to have a diesel or petrol driven vehicle, because the hybrid vehicles are currently not economically viable.
DOWNLOAD REDUCED POLLUTION DATA SHEETE-Drive – our self-charging hybrid electric system comes as standard across our portfolio. It powers up to 20 cycles with the engine turned off. The battery is then recharged en-route to the next job, so there’s never any need to plug in.
This delivers fuel savings, and less frequent engine services because of fewer running hours. Engines also run cleaner because soot accumulation during tickover is reduced.
For further information or to arrange your demonstration
E-Drive operates between 49-55dB. This is somewhere between a whisper and a conversation. Near silent operation improves working conditions and communication with the ground, and reduces public nuisance.
The HSE states that, “short term exposure to diesel exhaust can cause eye irritation, breathing problems and inflammatory symptoms. Prolonged exposure can lead to coughing and breathlessness, lung damage and an increased risk of lung cancer”. We can’t yet avoid this altogether, but E-Drive offers an easy way to reduce exposure.
Head of Engineering, Rivus (Openreach)
Aldercote is the leading UK manufacturer of vehicle-mounted access platforms. We are proud to design and manufacture high performance products that help our customers build and maintain the nation’s infrastructure.
Aldercote is a family run business that puts people first. We show this in our customer care and by valuing every employee for their passion, expertise and individuality.